Proud to be an IHEEM member

IHEEM member MAT

IHEEM is the largest UK professional body dedicated to research, education and the professional development of healthcare engineers and facilities managers.

As the annual IHEEM flagship event Healthcare Estates 2024 approaches, we celebrate our many years of being a member of IHEEM (the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management) and the benefits it brings our customers, who can be sure we have met the high standards of professionalism required by the organisation.


We would also like to thank IHEEM for all the work it does to keep members up to date with developing technology and changing regulations within the industry.

Latest News from MAT and MAT FM

healthcare or life science project image
The benefits of early engagement
Although we are always prepared to work flexibly in line with your healthcare and life science requirements, engaging us at the earliest opportunity brings many key benefits.
healthcare for life science project MAT
A team committed to your success
When you bring us into your healthcare or life science project, you may not meet all the members of our team, but you can be sure that we are all equally committed to making the job a success.
Let’s celebrate!
Let’s celebrate!
We have grown the number of women in the business from two to ten, across all areas of operations - that's certainly something to celebrate on this wet and windy Manchester morning!