Supporting a world-leading science base

CL3 and CL2 labs

We're proud to partner with many of the UK's leading life science facilities, providing laboratories and cleanrooms that allow researchers and scientists to carry out amazing work.

The NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) calls the UK a "world-leading science base", saying:

The UK is home to four of the top ten global universities for life sciences and medicine. It is the host of 137 Nobel Prizes (second only to the US), with an enviable track record of scientific breakthroughs including:

  • The discovery of penicillin
  • The structure of DNA
  • Advances in neuroscience and medical imaging
  • Developments in stem cells and IVF
  • Applying artificial intelligence and data science to biological problems


The UK also produces the third highest number of life sciences papers in high-quality journals worldwide (after the USA and China).


We're very proud to support the outstanding work done in the life science sector with our containment laboratories and cleanrooms. The CL3 and CL2 labs at Aberystwyth University's VetHub1 innovation cluster (shown) are a great example of an MAT life science installation.

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