MAT goes to the birds

MAT installers didn’t take flight when working around nesting seagulls at Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust.

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New MAT website

Have you visited our new website? It’s a great introduction to the company, so why not head over for a browse…

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Maintenance of UCV/HVAC systems

A functioning and compliant critical ventilation system is crucial to the successful operation of complex healthcare and research environments.

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A laboratory project underway

Laboratory medicine works to diagnose disease, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and research the causes and cures of disease.

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Operating theatre air

The air around us is full of particles such as dust, dirt, smoke and liquid droplets. Some of these particles will be bacteria-carrying, also called ‘colony forming units’ (CFUs).

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A hospital project underway

Our installations team is finishing off work at an NHS hospital in the West Midlands – you can see from these images showing the general operating theatre and other areas that it’s all looking great! We look forward to sharing the full story.

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Let’s celebrate!

We have grown the number of women in the business from two to ten, across all areas of operations – that’s certainly something to celebrate on this wet and windy Manchester morning!

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A team committed to your success

When you bring us into your healthcare or life science project, you may not meet all the members of our team, but you can be sure that we are all equally committed to making the job a success.

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The benefits of early engagement

Although we are always prepared to work flexibly in line with your healthcare and life science requirements, engaging us at the earliest opportunity brings many key benefits.

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