Medical Air Technology delivers design and build solutions across the full range of life science facilities – aseptic suites, cleanrooms and containment laboratories.
Aseptic suites are used for manufacturing medicines such as chemotherapy injectables. The airflow design facilitates cascading pressure, which ensures that the most stringent cleanroom zone has the highest level of pressure, and the least stringent cleanroom zone has the lowest level of pressure, so the flow of contamination is from clean to less clean.
Cleanroom HVACs differ from standard systems in that they have an increased air supply, different airflow patterns, use of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, and room pressurisation, and clean to dirty room air cascades. A conventional HVAC system usually makes two to four air changes per hour, whereas in a cleanroom it can range anywhere from 10 to 250 or even more.
Containment Level 3 (CL3) is the highest containment level in common use in the UK and requires certain features to be incorporated into the design to ensure appropriate containment. A CL3 laboratory is an airtight, gas-tight, leak-proof room that uses specialised airflow design to ensure biocontainment by operating under a negative pressure air regime.